Friday, April 17, 2009


I'm actually going to talk about a novel I read for this one. The novel is called "I Heard You Paint Houses", as I don't read fiction this story actually turned out to be not only very interesting, but chilling as well.

It's a story told by one of Jimmy Hoffa's closest friends--and presumably the man who killed Jimmy Hoffa.

The story itself is basically this man telling of his life as Jimmy Hoffa's right hand man. He tells of what he did, what he was ordered to do, and everything in between.

I would be hard-pressed to say that there was a theme to this book, rather than the brutality of mob-life and the unspeakable acts that they would carry out.

I would, however recommend this book to anyone who is any kind of interested in the Mafia or mob history, which I myself find to be among the most interesting history around.

Ultimately in the book, the man tells how he was actually the man who killed Jimmy Hoffa, although his remains to this day are still not found.

Just putting myself in his shoes sends chills down my spine. This man was supposedly Jimmy Hoffa's closest friends, but his obligation to the mob left him no choice but to dispose of him.

I find it incredibly interesting how mob life works, and the unwritten rules it has, but if you are at all interested in that type of history I would recommend this book to you without hesitation.

A great read! Disturbing...but interesting nonetheless.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


This semester was actually pretty amazing for me.

I had so much fun in the class, learning about the proper way to write, making new friends, and getting to do what I love the most--write.

The article I am most proud of was that of the Widows in Iraq. I love writing sports more than anything, but this particular subject was really interesting and special to me.

I was lucky enough to bring a subject to light that not many people get to hear about and reflect on. People think that their wars only effect those who are involved in it, but noone gave a second though to the women who lost their husbands. The women who have kids at home to take care of, but no way to take care of them because they cannot produce a substantial income. In Iraq, women aren't looked at as equals unlike America. They are rarely, if ever, allowed to get jobs to support their families let alone themselves.

I hope that more light will be brought to this issue, and that somehow it can be addressed in Iraq. People need to live, and they need to be able to have the opportunity to provide the lives that they deserve, whether they are male, female, or anything else.

The bottom line is that life is life, how you live that life or produce for it should be illegitimate as long as no laws are broken.

I sincerely hope that people will bring more attention to this and take strides to make this a better situation.