Sunday, September 21, 2008

Blog Numero Uno

So really I don't have much of anything going on to speak of on here...BUT I have to say how excited I am for hockey season. I'm even going to a pre-season game next Sunday because my favorite team is in town (GO CANUCKS) and I CAN'T wait until the regular season to see them play. Especially now with baseball season being in the pooper for me...stupid Blue's been 15 years since they made the playoffs last. COME ON NOW!

I made it a goal to get back home for a visit and a hometown hockey game at some point this season, that and I really really miss my family and friends, I haven't seen them in almost 3 years now. OH and the 2010 Olympics, you can bet I'll be at home visiting for those bad boys! My cousin lives right beside Olympic village. But that's getting a little ahead of myself....

Wellllllll, back to homework for me....


Me said...

I'm guessing you must be Canadian since you love ice hockey, cuz not may Americans watch it. It's such a shame. I love it too. It's such an amazing active game. Both of my younger brothers play, and they both want to move to Canada to play professionally. I must say though, I've never heard of the Canucks. It's all about Wayne Gretzky, and the Ducks, and Wayne Gretzky, and the Redwings, and Wayne Gretzky... at my house.

Jesse said...

haha oh no!!! I hate the Ducks!!! but i appreciate that you like hockey and your fam follows it :)

I have literally been counting down the days until season starts. Oh and don't worry, you will hear about the Canucks when they win it all this year ;) lol