Friday, April 17, 2009


I'm actually going to talk about a novel I read for this one. The novel is called "I Heard You Paint Houses", as I don't read fiction this story actually turned out to be not only very interesting, but chilling as well.

It's a story told by one of Jimmy Hoffa's closest friends--and presumably the man who killed Jimmy Hoffa.

The story itself is basically this man telling of his life as Jimmy Hoffa's right hand man. He tells of what he did, what he was ordered to do, and everything in between.

I would be hard-pressed to say that there was a theme to this book, rather than the brutality of mob-life and the unspeakable acts that they would carry out.

I would, however recommend this book to anyone who is any kind of interested in the Mafia or mob history, which I myself find to be among the most interesting history around.

Ultimately in the book, the man tells how he was actually the man who killed Jimmy Hoffa, although his remains to this day are still not found.

Just putting myself in his shoes sends chills down my spine. This man was supposedly Jimmy Hoffa's closest friends, but his obligation to the mob left him no choice but to dispose of him.

I find it incredibly interesting how mob life works, and the unwritten rules it has, but if you are at all interested in that type of history I would recommend this book to you without hesitation.

A great read! Disturbing...but interesting nonetheless.


w.brown said...

Wow…I’m intrigued yet leery at the same time! But, I guess that’s what makes a great read: its ability to stir up various mixtures of emotions in the reader. It’s going to be a long summer, so maybe I’ll check it out.

Diana Ravenda said...

Wow very interesting. well written for sure. You did a great job summerizing the story and telling the most interesting parts.

Jessica Swarner said...

Haha that sounds like such a "guy" book.

I'm sitting here like what, why would anyone ever want to read a book thats that disturbing and chilling and about the mafia and what not???

and then i was like, oh yeah im not a guy.

i hope i don't come off sexist.

Sean Bowman said...

I do dind that sort of history very interesting. I think that it is something that is a big part of America and shouldn't be left out. The way that the mob was ran, the way they made money, and even the way that the big mob bosses were in plain view, for the most part, living the life. This sounds like a good book. I think I will read this one before the Grapes of Wrath.

S said...

I love non-fictions and Mob stories are fascinating. If you liked that, you'd probably enjoy books on John Gotti too. The things he was accused of are crazy, but you look at his picture and he looks like a nice family man!