I need Africa more than Africa needs me for oh so many reasons. I actually asked around to see what people thought, and for the most part all I heard back was "what are you talking about? They are the ones in trouble, not us." That's a sad but true reality about some peoples' thoughts on the situation.
The fact of the matter is I need Africa more than it needs me. Why? Let's start with culture. Africa is one of the most diverse countries in the world when it comes to cultures. I doubt that there is enough time in one lifetime to learn about them all, but in each African culture and tradition enlies something incredibly unique and valuable and unifying to that specific group of people. To me that's amazing, and I think the rest of the world could learn from the uniqueness of the significance of the diversity and cultures that Africa has to offer.
Think about it. Without other cultures, practices and traditions, this world would be so bland. Everyone would do the exact same things, celebrate the same things the same ways, and that would be that. We need the diversity that Africa has to offer.
Also, one thing that stands out in my mind when I think of Africa is hope. Bear with me here, but in my opinion, Africa is in a very unique situation. There is so much Turmoil and war that goes on within that Continent, BUT, if somehow Africa could slowly sort through whatever civil issues that are causing wars around that beautiful Continent, then the rest of the world could take away so much from that, and could ultimately use Africa as a drawing board for resolving OUR issues, as well as other issues around the world.
Anyways, that's how I see it.
Share your thoughts in my comments, and even blog about it yourself. Join in the worthwhile cause of recasting the damaging images that force pity over partnership. Come back Dec 1st to see what Mocha Club is doing about reforming that image.
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